In this week’s Installment of Rain News, it rained a couple of times earlier in the week, and then rained again a whole lot yesterday and we don’t even know what to think anymore about anything. It seems like it must be a good thing though, so we are not lodging any protests. Have I mentioned we find ourselves grateful for our sandy soil this moisture-laden season? We do.
A woodchuck has been taking nibbles and leaves from the high tunnel and is marked for capture or worse. An unknown beast devoured an entire pile of chicken eggs being sat upon in the woods, as well as the hen who sat upon them; a bear or fox or coyote has a plump belly and a sanguine expression, unwitnessed by us humans. The wasping continued; Kristin was stung twice, I was stung once, several wasp and hornet nests were taken down in defensive retaliation. Hopefully with the cooler temperatures, cooler heads will prevail and we can resume our truce with the stingy stripeys.

Jasper, trying to help with the fieldwork, climbed up on the tiller after it had just shut off, and burned himself on the exhaust – it seems that most of us have a story of the time we burned ourselves on a hot exhaust, and now he’s joined our club. I’d rather he had hadn’t but he did and so now he is learning about the joys of having bandages changed and keeping them clean and all the rigamarole that comes with burns, and we are learning about the joys of being the ones in charge of it all. He’s doing good though, complaining only when we do mandatory maintenance.
It was chilly this morning. I am rolling over in bed, pulling up the covers, and avoiding eye contact with thoughts about winter. But I know they’re out there now.

And, it was my birthday again this week, which seems to happen with increasing rapidity as the numbers get larger.
The brakes on this ride don’t seem to work, but the views are beautiful.
I’m into it.
inside box 9

- Bell Peppers – purple Islanders and green
- Eggplant – eggplants don’t really change color as they ripen; they stay the color they are, whether green, purple, variegated, or white (the O.G. eggplant color, which makes sense of their name).
The secret to eggplant is not being stingy with oil when cooking. They like oil and you will like them better when they’re happy.

- Tomatoes – damn I love tomato season. They love the high tunnel and they are making that abundantly clear. Most of them are ready to eat now, or after they sit on the counter for a bit. Let us know if you find a type you especially enjoy!
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Zucchini – we don’t give out giant war clubs anymore.
- Onions
- Broccoli – side shoots from the early-season plants. They heat earlier this week made them a little different,
- Purple Opal Basil – we grow our basil amidst our tomatoes in the high tunnel; they do great together as plants and as flavors. These could be used like Thai basil or Italian basil in a dish. Might look weird as pesto?
- Thai Basil – spicier/different from the Italian basil you got last week; best used in Asian dishes
- Italian Basil Microgreens – caprese skewers, tomato salads … Shareholder Melissa has plans for basil I hear.
- Maybe Melon (Sun Jewel or Green Muskmelon)– this week, the folks in Saint Paul and near the Farm are getting a melon, If the fates feel cooperative, Minneapolis and Vadnais will get one next week.