After two and half months away from snow and subzero temperatures, our family of winter vagabonds has returned to the glorious North.

It was a successful journey – we weren’t sure what to expect from our first roadtrip with Otis, given the long drives, strange places, and constant change. Fortunately, he loved the shifting locales and characters, and we quickly found ways to make the 4,000+ mile trek bearable for the little guy while strapped into his safety bucket. He met countless animals, rode in boats, enjoyed parades, had his first tastes of so many foods, loved the Ocean, and learned to walk. It was a momentous journey for a guy not yet a year old – and a joy for us to guide him on.

Given the uncertainties, we’d planned our route around friendly farms that we’d visited before, where they know us and were excited to meet our spawn. We revisited our friends at Wu Wei Farm, Habitable Spaces, the Chastain Farms, and Yokna Bottoms Farm as we looped through the south, in between visiting family and friends along the route.

The winter wandering went so well that we’ve decided that we will continue to do our winter snowbirding, rather than build a more permanent cozy winter dwelling on the farm (yet, anyway).

While we were away, the Best Neighbors Ever kept the farm’s driveway clear, and even shoveled off our front steps in anticipation of our arrival – of course, we’ll still have some snow to battle as we get settled in to start seeds for the year, clearing access to the woodpiles, greenhouses, outhouse, root cellar, chicken coop, and storage spaces … or maybe we’ll get lucky, and it’ll all melt in the next few days?

I feel my mental gears grinding slightly as they shed the winter’s rust, switching back into Farm Mode. We’ve ordered our seeds for the season (Kristin is more than ready to get the onions started ASAP!), volunteers are getting lined up, and we’re signing up members for this year’s CSA.

It was a lovely winter and a wonderful journey – but we are happy to be home, and ready to rock.
Bring the Spring!
stomp-mixing clay and sand for the rebuild of the Habitable Spaces pizza oven strolling through the Texas woods Otis’s first taco experience a little nut on a big nut making clay test bricks in Texas excavating a big chunk of fossilized wood watching the lunar eclipse from our bed in the yurt first firing of the pizza oven we built Habitable Spaces Pizza Oven 2.0 Captain Otis Beauty & love Black lightning whelk and the tell-tale clockwise spiral making Black Drink from foraged Yaupon Holly leaves Yaupon Holly tea (“Black Drink” – the only native north American plant with caffeine) in a traditional lightning whelk drinking cup Hurricane Michael damage on Saint George Island starting seeds in Mississippi stop on the road to Nashville entropic beauty on the seashore life’s hope springing eternal inside a brick Babies in Alabama beholding bawk bawks getting mischievous with a watering can the boys in blue exploring an abandoned WWII munitions plant in Louisiana more goats offering broccoli to the kitty
What grand adventures the family had! Looks like so much fun!