1st Chicken of the Woods of 2019 learning to drive NOT the ear bug. Whew.
This week I had to go to the hospital to have a beetle removed from my inner ear. It crawled in while I was asleep, although that didn’t last once it started trying to ake its way through my ear drum … tweezers were useless, flushing it just drove it in further, and our baby’s “Nose Frida” couldn’t suck it out. Fortunately, I was able to kill it with a shot of rubbing alcohol, leaving me to go back to sleep with the strange sensation of ear-fullness, until the doctor’s office opened up in the morning. Pro-tip: do not let a beetle crawl into your ear.

In more relevant news, the traditional ridiculous dry spell has mostly continued, as big fat rainy clouds approached on the radar over and over, only to dissolve or split in highly unlikely ways just before reaching the farm. We are trying to be used to this, but it still chafes, especially when everyone else around is upset about having too much rain. Fortunately, a bit finally snuck through on Sunday, and we got a much-needed 2/5 of an inch to keep things green.

Things are starting to really come up now – tomatoes look nice, squash are gaining steam, and we should have snap peas for the boxes next week.

We went to the farmer’s market for the first time this year – if you’re ever in the mood for a trip to see Franconia Sculpture Garden or Interstate Park some Saturday, come say hi! We’re there from 10-1:00 slinging veggies and canned goods.

Thanks to Dedrick for coming out to help with today’s harvest!
Box 2:
- Freshly Stone-Ground Corn Meal

- We grew this last year, and hung it to dry all winter in our shipping container. Yesterday we shucked the cobs, and then finely ground it all – making ideal cornmeal for cornbread (you don’t even need to add sugar if you use more flavorful fresh ground corn).
- Salad Mix – green & red lettuces, mizuna, arugula, pea tips
- Green Onions – Both the tops and bottoms are edible. Not to be confused with:
- Green Garlic, which looks like this below. The bulbs can be used like you normally would garlic cloves.

- Bekana – closer to full-grown size leaves this week, this Asian green would be tasty with orange sesame dressing. You can also sautee it – the leafy part will cook down a lot, but the crunchy stems will tastily endure,

- Radishes – French Breakfast & Plum Purple varieties

- cut the greens off so the roots stay fresh longer. If you don’t love lots of raw radish, they are wonderful and milder when sauteed or roasted!

Have a lovely week, and eat yer veggies!