We should really call this the Weekly Weather, because really that’s what it always seems to be about. We hunkered in our root cellar storm shelter on Wednesday, after a tornado warning went out for our hood. Nothing hit us, but it did some damage nearby.
When the threat passed, we emerged and found another beautiful rainbow – this one dividing the different colors of the evening sky.

Although the tornado and the subsequent thunderstorms, down bursts, and hail storms also missed us, the rains mostly didn’t. We are glad to have sandy soil this week, or we would be farming in a mud puddle – we’ve had more rain in June than we had all last year, and the field is an unfamiliar kind of squelchy.
We had our first uncomfortably hot day this week, too – and took a wallow down in the ice-cold spring-fed Wolf Creek to drop our core temps to comfortable levels. The mosquitoes were happy to meet us there, but it was worth it for the kind of deep cooling that lasts for hours.
The plants have loved this weather, and things in the field really seem happy.

Box 2 is Brought to You By the Letter S
Satisfying Stuff for Stir Fry, Salads, & Snacking:

- Strawberries – never sprayed, picked yesterday. We had to battle our boys and their buddies to get any of them for you all.

- Salad Mix (lettuces, arugula, tat soi) – chop it up, or enjoy the larger leaves intact.

- Sunflower Shoots – a green source of protein! Best raw.
- Sugar Snap Peas – The earlier of the twp varieties we planted this year.

- Salad Turnips – Mild and crunchy. Great in stir fry, but also delicious raw, snacked on whole or sliced into salads.
… also some things starting with other letters, for balance:

- Green Onions
- Garlic Scapes – chop em up and use just like garlic
- Oregano – can be dried or used fresh.
We’re off to an awesome start … hope you have a beautiful week.