I’m not going to dwell or bemoan or wax forboding but it is just a science fact felt in the bones of all life local that summer has peaked and is now on the slow opening slide into the wintertimes. Trees know it, we know it. This part of the ride is really pretty. We’ll strive to remember to look up, and look out(ward).
We foraged lobster and chicken if the woods mushrooms, said forever farewell to the last O.G. Ginger chicken, and picked 10 pounds of chokecherries and a nice little pile of blackberries … we missed the opening salvo of these but are ready to ride the rest of the wave.
This week,

, which of course means that we mulched, and weeded, and welcomed the white and grey kitten to hang around if it wanted, and a chick got munched by a larger wild bird, and the pole beans got weeded. Wwoofer Margaret joined us, speaking of pole bean weeding.
Inside Box 10

TOMATOES – Prime tomato sandwich season is upon the land (and there was great rejoicing.) The green ones are likely almost peak ripe, as are almost all of them. If you don’t eat them within a few days, maybe move them from the counter to the fridge … or eat them. Eating them is a popular and correct path, with much potential for creative expression and joie de vivre. Tomatoes!
(PS do you need to buy a new jar of mayonnaise?
Cherry Tomatoes– like the other tomatoes, but little and adorable, in the manner of babies.
Purple Potatoes – If you’ve been mindful of how beets might color a dish, you’re equipped to handle the potential of the purple potatoes to dye a soup in an unpleasant direction (light colored soups become murky gray. Boiling them removes their color, but roasting is pretty purple preservative.
Red Onions – they are like the white onions, but they’re red. Pretty on a sandwich raw, if you swing that way.
They also stay pretty pickled.
Shishito Peppers – usually left whole. best blistered by high heat; grilled or on hot oil. Sprinkled with a little sale, and some garlic when you’re almost finished cooking them,
Sweet Corn – just a couple ears, and rather smallish. The corn is not having it’s best year. We have theories
Slicing Cucumbers
Summer (?) Savory – it might go well with your roasted potatoes, or in a compound butter. Use fresh or dry some for a later soup or something.
a Melon – either a cantaloupe or a sunjewel, or the one Yellow Canary Melon if you are that one box.
Arugula Microgreens – They have some spicy zip.
Maybe Ground Cherries – the hand of farmer fate is handing out a pint of ground cherries to the half of our members who missed a melon last week. So it be. Don’t worry if you miss them today – there will be more.

Wonderful vegetables / fruit and herbs carefully placed in the CSA box…. each week is a delightful surprise.
Farm fresh eggs and my Mother’s Mayonnaise recipe…. keep the tomatoes coming … No. 1 on my favorites list !