Life’s events seemed to accelerate a bit this week, with more things happening more quickly … but gradually, and after giving us time to build up our stride and keep pace without losing our breaths. The garden is hitting its stride, too, with the first of summer’s bounty coming into ripeness.
The walking spaces between the rows have narrowed in the field and in the greenhouse; where it once seemed like vast open spaces where the only concern was accidentally stepping upon a tiny seedling, we now have to turn sideways and do the midwestern “ope!” as we pass through the sprawling leaves and vines, lest we anger one of these feisty beasts and get consumed ala Little Shop of Horrors.
What else … there was a bear at the bird feeders that required swearing at, a chilly morning that demanded blankets, a hen who decided that 3 chicks were not enough so she hatched out 12 more (we had been wondering why she kicked out her babies so quickly!). The hens in general are taking advantage of the lush undergrowth and hiding eggs everywhere, making every day an easter hunt. We could keep them penned up, sort of, but we so enjoy having the goons running around everywhere.

We almost finished the deer fence this week, and have been pleasantly surprised by the difference it makes in how the field feels to be in. I’d feared that it would look like a dog kennel, or feel constraining, but it’s actually … quite nice. Somehow it makes the same patch of rows feel so neatly contained – defined in a way that strengthens and concentrates it.

The rain held off for the most part, missing us on both sides other than a few mists.
Inside Box 7

Zero Peas – none! It’s over!
Red New Potatoes – tender skins
Tomatoes & Cherry Tomatoes – SO IT BEGINS. Kristin avoided the early season blossom end rot by feeding them calcium this year, and they look just lovely. I hope you like tomatoes, because here they come, it seems … just a handful today though.

Cucumbers (slicers and picklers)
Zucchini & Summer Squash – is it just me or are they extra pretty this year? I think they might be in a row with some richer soil perhaps.
Bean Medley (Green, Dragon Tongue, Purple, & Yellow)
Sunflower Shoots – want some ideas? I found this recipe page for you.
Curly Blue Kale
Cauliflower or Broccoli – we’ve never had such a successful cauliflower early season! Thanks, spring rains!