Friday, February 7th
Green Flamingo Organics
Oak Hill, FL
home sweet home
It was nonstop rainy on our first day.
However, down here, unlike our previous two farms, it was harvest time and edible things were booming in the fields.
There were CSA shares and farmers markets to harvest for, so we got up at 7, got into our rain gear, ate breakfast, and got to work learning the ropes in the fields – where things were, how things were done, what the impossible-to-remember names of people were.
When work was done in the field, we fixed up our home a bit – moved two single beds together, rearranged some furniture, put a bunch of misc crap away, cleaned, etc. When this was done, the place really felt homey, and Cleo had her own bedroom and mattress (great for her and vital to us – we hadn’t slept all that well with her up in the bed with us back in Alabama!)
Then we wandered through the orange groves, trying fruit from each row, trying to decide which were our favorites. Oh, my god they were so good … I love oranges, but had never been so lucky as to be inside an orange grove with unlimited access to fresh from the tree, in season orange deliciousness.
Thursday, February 6th
Green Flamingo Organics
Oak Hill, FL
We left Chris’ place around noon and headed south, deeper down into Florida toward our destination, halfway down the state’s Atlantic Coast.
When we arrived at Green Flamingo around 5:00, there was some confusion as the gate to the farm was locked. We weren’t sure we were in the right place until we noticed the green flamingo on the gate post, but then wondered if there was another entrance to use.
Google told us this was a road. Go straight.things we saw while getting the van & trailer turned around in the No Trespassing junkyardthings we saw while getting the van & trailer turned around in the No Trespassing junkyard
So we drove around a bit, almost got stuck in a junkyard that Google swore was a road we could take, found some citrus fruits and a mystery-legume-thing on the side of the road, and then decided to just park the car and walk in.
We left the dogs behind, unsure what we were walking into, and went past boxes of bees and groves of orange trees before finally coming to the far back corner of the property, featuring a cluster of tents and decrepit old trailers.
There we met the other WWOOFers, all of whom hailed from the upper East Coast – a gregarious gay couple named Alex & John, two 18 year old girls who were leaving soon, and Eugene, who was staying in a tent and had a girlfriend living in a nearby town.
Our trailer had been deemed uninhabitable by the others, due to the moist smell and the presence of several amphibious roommates – large frogs that had made the closet their winter home. We decided it would be just fine, with a little adjustment – the frogs could stay, but we’d air it out, clean it up, and rearrange the furniture a bit.
The solar power system died shortly after the sun went down, so we enjoyed homemade pizza and Green Flamingo Farm’s signature salad mix in the outdoor kitchen by candlelight.
This place feels good. We haven’t met the farmer (Liz) yet, but I already feel like I know and like her based upon what she’s built here. I suspect we’ll learn a lot in the next two weeks, and I’m excited … smiling here in the dark, typing on a couch in the outdoor kitchen, a couple of the others reading by candlelight nearby, Kristin crashed out in the Frog Trailer with the dogs, exhausted from her 5 hour drive.
Actually, I’m tired too – I’m going to head in there now; goodnight!
Howdy! We’re currently at our third and final WWOOF farm – Green Flamingo Organics, in Oak Hill, Florida. We don’t have any internet access at the farm, so updates will be late and sporadic.
I’m going to try to write them up on the laptop though, and push then out when I can get to internet access (we came into town (New Smyrna Beach) today for a farmer’s market, and we stopped in this sweet little surf-themed coffee shop for a bit of caffeine and computer time.
Things remain wonderful, but very wet – it’s been rainy for the last couple of days, and for quite a bit before we arrived – despite this being the traditional dry season in these parts. Fortunately, we cam prepared for all weather, and have been happily harvesting, planting, and preparing produce in our raincoats and rubber boots.
More soon, but wanted to at least let people know we’re alive and very, very happy out here. Love to our family, friends, and friendly strangers!