We got a little bit of rain. Not nearly enough, but way, way better than none. Sometimes the heavier rain storm systems would dodge us like matadors, other times politely utter “ope!” as they turned to pass by outside of our personal space. But we felt the shade of lots of clouds, and enjoyed a couple of light but sustained rains.
Smatterings of rain, no matter how mild, are far superior to the convection baking oven thing that’s been so in vogue this season; even with negligible precipitation, cloudy misty afternoons were a much needed respite for the thirsty roots of crops and farmers both.
Which is to say it felt rejuvenating and I can’t help to think the garden felt it that way too. And that’s a good thing indeed.

Tips from Shareholder John:
Here is the method I have been using to store the green onions.
Also, I’ve been struggling with what to do with all these radishes and found this delicious simple recipe.
Inside Box 4
- RADISHES! – what about fridge pickles?
- GREEN ONIONS! – did we mention fridge pickles?
- Snap Peas – pea plants like cool spring weather, and plenty of moisture.; we are lucky to have any!
- Pea Shoots – apparently many people stir-fry these, but we like them fresh, so we found this here promising-looking recipe and oh it also uses radishes!
- Zucchini – the first harvested this season
- Kales & Collards Mix – massaged kale salad might be in order. Because this is not the tender watery pillowy leaves from some hydroponic factory. It’s got character and gumption and it’s obviously good for us but you have to fight it first. Fortunately, they’re just leaves.
- Microgreens (Red Cabbage or Curly Kale)