Our friend Steffan has been regularly helping us with farmwork for several years now, and we were honored that he asked us to hold his wedding on the farm. Of course, we had no idea Covid was coming, but it worked out well anyway, as it had always been the plan to hold it outdoors, in the social-distance-friendly, unplanted west side of our field. So vows were once again exchanged on our land – but this time with three times as many people, and out in the field instead of the woods.
The whole thing went off incredibly – including some tasty farm food that Groom Steffan catered himself! We even surprised the newlyweds by transforming the new semi trailer into a honeymoon suite, using the huge pallets it came filled with as wall partitions, window blinds, and of course, the bed platform.
In other news, we’re back deep into acorn bombing season, with a nearly-constant bombardment raining down upon every available acoustically-active surface … steel roofs, 55 gallon drums, cars, and buckets. It’s funny how used to it one gets, and how quickly – even though the sudden cracks and bangs are utterly unpredictable.
If this and the changing leaves were not clear enough signs of imending autumn, Ma Nature made things very clear with two frosty nights early in the week – and more forecasted for next week …
frozen bee in blossom
Inside Box 15
Potato leek soup with parsley or dill on the agenda.
- Potatoes
- Leeks – the bottoms are the best part, but tender green tops can be sliced thin and used similarly to green onions.

- Dill
- Parsley

- Green Tomatoes – yes, Fried Green Tomatoes are the classic way to use these lovely emerald orbs , which we decided to salvage before the next round of frosty doom descended upon the farm. But there are plenty of other options too – perhaps try one of these!?
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Spaghetti Squash
- Swiss Chard